Reach Peak E-Commerce Search Performance

Are you stuck at the edge of progress with out-of-the-box search tools like Solr, Einstein, or Elasticsearch? Don’t limit your team — it might be time to explore new territory. 
We'll Show You the Way

Conquer E-Commerce Search: Elevate RPV by an Average of 23%

Just because you start with it doesn't mean you have to stick with it. At some point, the tools we use to make things easier hit their limit. But it can be hard to admit that you’ve outgrown your solution, especially if it's one you’ve invested a lot of time, effort, and resources into, like e-commerce site search.

It's as if you and your team are trying to scale a mountain with an outdated map and a compass that’s seen better days. Your out-of-the-box search solution has brought you to the edge of progress, but the lack of significant ROI is now holding you back from reaching the summit. So, once you’ve recognized this obstacle, how do you fix it?

Unearth Fast ROI With the Right Site Search Solution

Think of the search revenue opportunities that you're missing out on — such as a 5-10% lift in revenue per visitor (RPV) — as hidden treasures waiting to be discovered on the other side of the summit.


As your team grows increasingly frustrated with the cumbersome tool that came with your e-commerce platform, you can give them a world where "hitting revenue goals" is synonymous with "doing less work."


That’s why it's time to upgrade your gear, lighten the load, and chart a new course to e-commerce success, which includes more RPV, higher average order value (AOV), and faster basket-building speeds for your business. And Bloomreach is that upgrade.

Find Out How

Don't Keep Your Head in the Clouds With:



icon-red-X@2x icon-red-X@2x icon-red-X@2x

A lack of advanced AI

built for commerce 

Extremely manual

legacy systems

Limited personalization




We're All About Elevating Our Customers!
"Bloomreach's dashboard is one of its kind in the latest search engines; search terms can be boosted or buried based on ranking rules. Appreciate their efforts in implementing new features as and when they learn from them, and they are helpful to customers."
Verified User
increase in customer basket-building speed
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increase in revenue from search
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increase in search revenue per visitor (RPV)
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Hit a Higher Altitude, as Proven Through 100+ A/B Tests

Average lift in RPV
Average boost in AOV
Average increase in conversions


The Tools You'll Need on Your Journey

The only constant in e-commerce is change. To stay on course — even with obstacles like shifting consumer behavior and an uncertain macroeconomic environment — you must ensure that your e-commerce site search investment is working and capturing all potential revenue opportunities.
Algorithms Optimized for Revenue

We rank your products with your customers in mind. Using data (like product views, add-to-carts, conversions, and revenue) across the past 30 days, we position products that will convert at the top of the search results.

Personalization Capabilities

Use both historical and in-session data to segment customers in real time and deliver personalized experiences. Benefit from our learnings, which only become more precise as our pixel continues to learn on your site, and drive faster ROI with site search that converts 3x higher than browsing.

Semantic Understanding

Our commerce-specific algorithms match customer intent to the most relevant search results. Our AI fills in gaps where necessary, so you can always help your customers find what they want — even with imperfect product data.

Synonym Library

Having aggregated product searches from our extensive list of customers over the past decade — which impacts the equivalent of over 25% of B2C e-commerce in the US and UK markets combined — we’ve learned the most common synonyms (and misspellings) for nearly every industry.

Actionable Analytics Dashboard

We leave plenty of room for your merchandisers to work their magic! Customize the search experience through our dashboard, where you can boost new products higher in the search results or adjust algorithms to meet your specific business goals.

Drag-and-Drop Visual Editor

We make it simple to create and maintain merchandising category pages. See the results that appear for search queries, and plan your strategy for categories around performance metrics, such as add-to-cart rates, revenue, and conversions.

We rank your products with your customers in mind. Using data (like product views, add-to-carts, conversions, and revenue) across the past 30 days, we position products that will convert at the top of the search results.

Use both historical and in-session data to segment customers in real time and deliver personalized experiences. Benefit from our learnings, which only become more precise as our pixel continues to learn on your site, and drive faster ROI with site search that converts 3x higher than browsing.

Our commerce-specific algorithms match customer intent to the most relevant search results. Our AI fills in gaps where necessary, so you can always help your customers find what they want — even with imperfect product data.

Having aggregated product searches from our extensive list of customers over the past decade — which impacts the equivalent of over 25% of B2C e-commerce in the US and UK markets combined — we’ve learned the most common synonyms (and misspellings) for nearly every industry.

We leave plenty of room for your merchandisers to work their magic! Customize the search experience through our dashboard, where you can boost new products higher in the search results or adjust algorithms to meet your specific business goals.

We make it simple to create and maintain merchandising category pages. See the results that appear for search queries, and plan your strategy for categories around performance metrics, such as add-to-cart rates, revenue, and conversions.



Ready to conquer new heights? Let's climb together!