Naughty or Nice?

E-Commerce Holiday Preparedness Checklist

Download the Checklist
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The not-so-seasonal celebration of 'Christmas in July' is quickly becoming the norm. This new summer tradition means that preparations for the holiday season have slowly started to creep into summer vacation year by year. Have you started preparing?

What's inside?

Don't wait until summer's last ice cream cones have melted to start preparing for the impending holiday rushes. Our checklist will help you make sure you score nice points with your customers this year, and ensure that you are prepared well ahead of the holiday season.
Learn tips that will impact retention and conversions year-round
Check off 'to-do's that will secure your spot on the 'Nice List'
Assess pitfalls to avoid that will land you on the 'Naughty List'
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download the Checklist?