Request Your Free Digital Audit

Book an audit with Bloomreach experts today to enhance your brand's customer experience and boost your revenue potential. Limited-time offer - Grab it now before it's gone!

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Here's What's in Store

Unlock the power of personalisation with the Bloomreach Digital Audit! Our team will assess your email strategy, web experience, customer journey, omnichannel needs, and data capabilities. We'll benchmark your current performance (conversion rates, email deliverability, etc.) against industry standards. You'll then be offered a strategic review session with our digital experts and a practical digital roadmap PDF to boost your personalisation strategies.

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What We're Going To Measure

How impactful is your email and SMS personalisation?

When evaluating email and SMS campaigns, we carefully review three main components. First, we analyse the welcome series, looking at subscription timing, frequency, personalisation, and content relevance.

Second, we focus on the abandoned basket campaign, ensuring emails and SMS align with featured products and assessing the level of personalisation.

Finally, we extend our review to business As usual (BAU) emails and SMS, where we assess viewed categories, past product interactions, email volume, recommendation relevance, and overall personalisation.

How effective is your online experience?

When assessing your web experience, we conduct a detailed review. Initially, we navigate the site, explore categories, products, and add items to the cart. During the second visit, we delve into viewed categories and products, assess homepage personalisation, the relevance of recommendations, broader personalisation efforts, and search relevance. This thorough evaluation provides insights to improve the user's browsing journey.

How do you measure up against your competitors?

Our audit process uses benchmarking data to offer a comparative analysis within your industry. By assessing your performance metrics against industry peers that use Bloomreach, we provide a clear view of your current situation. This data-driven method helps identify areas for improvement and growth opportunities to optimise your digital strategy effectively.

Powering Leading Brands